
Mission Statement: Mentoring is one of the great responsibilities that scientists have that 
also is a great honor and fun thing to do as well!
The Rockefeller University places high school students into the research lab environment each summer. I had the opportunity to mentor
(over the summers of 2013 and 2014) 3 brilliant young students and this video includes interviews with them about our research.
Past Students:
Adrienne Ring investigated the clinical impact of novel cancer detection microscopy techniques.
Using a database of confocal images, she trained as a pathologist to detect tumor as well
as normal tissue. With a sensitivity and specificity of 95% and 100% respectively, Adrienne did about as
well as trained Mohs surgeons who act as pathologists for border screening of tumor in their excisions.
Adreinne will help usher in a new era of pathologist/clinicians who will be able to render
diagnosis and treatmentment faster and less painfully to future cancer patients. Adrienne has
created a web page to teach what she is learning to other new confocal microscopy pathologists: 

Adrienne's Confocal Tutorial
Billy Huang, who since graduated from The Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Do not let Billys charming good looks fool you, he is an intellectual Hercules. Billy and I worked
together at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center from 2005-2008.
Billy won 4th place at the Intel
international science and engineering fair in 2008 in the highly competitive Medicine catagory. 

Interview, 6:00, 2.8MB

(I'm at the end and Billy Huang is at the beginning)

Billy hit the ground running, developed some serious scientific skills
and did massive amounts of work in the lab, scoring him two publications:
Gareau D.S., Li Y., Huang B., Eastman Z., Nehal K.S., Rajadhyaksha M., Confocal mosaicing
microscopy in Mohs skin excisions: feasibility of rapid surgical pathology
Journal of Biomedical Optics, 13(5):054001, 2008.
Huang B., Gareau D.S., Toward automated detection of malignant melanoma, Proceedings of the SPIE, 2009.
Phil Munoz, who since graduated from the California Institute of Technology
Phil was the first student I ever worked with. 
 When I met Phil, he had some great ideas and some terrible equipment. I hooked him up with
gear at our lab (Jacques lab, OHSU, shown below) and now, Caltech is hooking him up with more of the same.


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